I'm Eno

I wasn't satisfied with my career. I felt lost and was simply going through the motions. Jumping from one business to another, people couldn't quite grasp what I was truly dedicated to.

Then, everything changed when I witnessed a drone being used for the first time in Nigeria. The technology fascinated me, and the fact that someone had turned it into a thriving business intrigued me even more. As I discovered the countless applications and future potential of drones, the entrepreneurial lightbulb went off.

Without mentors in the field, I relied on "YouTube University" and embarked on a journey of self-education. With 100% commitment to the mission, I dove headfirst into this new venture with my partner Austin.

Since then, I've had the opportunity to work on projects and train in 26 countries. I've taught over 18,000 students about drone technology and even established a non-profit organization to promote drone STEM education. Now, I collaborate with drone businesses to help them create exceptional content and achieve their goals.

It's been an incredible journey of growth and impact, and I'm excited to continue making a difference in the drone industry.

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I'm Austin

Entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and challenges have shaped my career path. A constant desire to seek new solutions to old problems has led me to be the Co-Founder of one of Maryland's leading drone technology companies. Sharing all of the ways in which the drone industry can benefit our communities and particularly the youth is one of my top priorities.

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