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How To Use Your Portfolio To Get More Leads

Jan 10, 2024

How To Use Your Portfolio To Get More Leads (Plus the 4 Key Places You Should be Updating It)

A targeted portfolio highlights your unique skills and the tailored solutions you provide. Here's how to make yours resonate with your specific audience:


  1. Select Impactful Projects:

↳ Choose 2-3 projects showcasing your niche abilities, such as a recap video, case study, interactive map, testimonial compilation, photogrammetry data, or themed gallery. Regularly refresh your portfolio, ideally every quarter, to reflect your evolving growth.


  1. Provide a Narrative:

↳ For each, outline the client's challenge, your drone strategy, and the tangible outcomes. Emphasize any unique problem-solving or innovative techniques you applied.


  1. Visual & Verbal Storytelling:

↳ Use quality visuals and concise text to demonstrate the process and results. Include client testimonials related to these projects for authenticity.


  1. Targeted Content:

↳ Tailor descriptions to reflect the industry language and pain points of your target audience, showcasing how your services provide solutions.


  1. Easy Navigation:

↳ Ensure your portfolio is user-friendly with direct links to detailed case studies or blogs for each featured project.


  1. Showcase Your Process:

↳ Briefly share your workflow or decision-making approach to provide insight into the value you bring.


  1. Optimize for Discovery:

Integrate specific SEO phrases like "commercial drone surveys" into your project descriptions, titles, and image tags. Regularly update your portfolio's SEO to ensure visibility in searches.


  1. Engagement Invitation:

Include a clear, direct call to action such as "Discover how we can help - Contact us today!" Ensure this invitation is linked to an easy contact method like a form or direct email to facilitate immediate action.


4 Key Places to Update Your Portfolio

  • Website: Feature your latest work on a dedicated page.
  • LinkedIn: Put a link to your portfolio in the 'Featured' section.
  • YouTube: Upload videos showcasing your projects.
  • Google My Business: Post updates with new images and summaries.

Implementing these steps creates a portfolio that's not just a showcase of work but a targeted, engaging tool designed to attract and convert leads in your specific market.


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